Unesco ELA alfabetisering
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1. Literacy level - the evaluation survey indicated that the project improved the learning capacities of students without literacy skills, and supported facilitators in their professional development. All facilitators and members of Shuras, as well as 90,7% of learners, agreed on the benefit of ELA3 on all participants. This included the capacity to work with pedagogical integrated education, capacities in conducting needs assessments and procuring equipment, and training in learning supported environments. 64,9% of Shura members stated that the project benefited the participants by improving their literacy levels. 2. Facilitators level - 84,2 % of SBL (Skills-Based Literacy) facilitators appreciated the support provided to them in various aspects. 66,7% of BGL (Basic-General Literacy) facilitators requested additional support apart from the facilitator training workshops. 3. Country level - the evaluation noted that efforts are still underway to enhance the project aspect in the national curriculum for facilitators and that the project sensitized actors of the education sector regarding the advantages of ELA. The ground has been set to mainstream project products and materials beyond the project’s target group. By involving national stakeholders and ensuring government commitment, the project improved the holistic enabling environment to develop effective literacy training and facilitator training policies. The evaluation could not thoroughly assess the impact of the project activities – as impact related to capacity development activities usually require some time to develop. The evaluation puts forward some results of the project which could enable the achievement of impact in the longer run. The evaluation report notes some preliminary impact on the policy level, as the activities have contributed to initiate policy dialogue and to develop, as well as adapt, literacy education strategies. The project brought key stakeholders together and initiated policy dialogue among them (e.g. workshops and seminars). The evaluation also found that there were indications that at the policy level, the project contributed towards the development of learning pathways for youths and adults who have completed basic general literacy linking with skills development, formal schooling, alternative schooling for adults, technical vocational training, higher education, productive work and possibly lifelong learning. The modules and teaching materials developed has the potential to positively change the mindsets of facilitators, who reported on improved teaching skills and also considered the developed materials to be very useful. The evaluation notes that possible impacts could be strengthened by a targeted continuation of the donor’s funding, in order to overcome the constraints on implementation duration, and to further build on existing results. The ELA3 project was able to: - Develop/modify training modules; - Train supervisors and facilitators; - Establish literacy courses in almost 34 provinces of the country. In addition, the evaluation of the ELA3 Project found that: - The project provided an excellent learning experience in the cooperation between UNESCO, the Japanese, Swedish and Finnish governments and donors, and the Afghan government; particularly on the importance of designing national approaches for literacy learning, in close collaboration with national stakeholders to ensure a high level of country ownership. - The UNESCO literacy project is relevant given the pre-2015 and post 2015 global educational goals and the UNESCO priorities. Relative to the speed and scale of progress required for Afghanistan to accelerate reasonable progress towards the attainment of EFA goals with the target year (2015) less than two years away [ELA3 project implementation November 2013 – March 2018], appears overly ambitious. Nevertheless, modest progress was made. - The UNESCO literacy project is relevant to the country’s education system needs, is well aligned with national priorities and policies, and builds on ownership of national stakeholders. - The extensive preparatory phase and the monitoring activities contributed to the establishment of good working relations between UNESCO, donors and the project country, which facilitated smooth implementation of the project. - The UNESCO literacy project is effective in the sense that it delivers most of the results as indicated. However, internal procedures for procurement and payment practices caused delays which led to the situation that some important activities for end-beneficiaries could not take place to the extent foreseen. Due to the short duration of the project, it is challenging to reach impact. However, there are indications that show promise of impact being achieved in the longer term.
Contribution to the improvement of the quality of literacy through enhanced capacity of facilitator education and training. The following were the specific project objectives: - Strengthen the capacity of supervisors and facilitators and key personnel of the Ministry of Education (MoE), Literacy Department in action research and applied studies in literacy and numeracy acquisition. - Strengthen the capacity of facilitators in using the new curricular materials to improve teaching and learning of literacy. These materials can be used in promoting the acquisition of foundational literacy and numeracy skills in Afghan languages (Dari and Pashto). - Build capacity of facilitators and learners of the Literacy Department in integrating a range of ICTs for producing instructional materials. - Strengthen the capacity of the MoE Literacy Department to develop advocacy materials to increase awareness and to attract more learners into literacy courses. - Improve systems of MoE to manage the demand and supply, recruitment and deployment of supervisors and facilitators.
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