AECF 2017-24 Renewable Energy and Adaptation to Climate Technologies (REACT)
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As of December 2023, the program had 83 contracted companies, which is above the program target of 71. The portfolio of contracted investees promotes different renewable energy and climate technologies, including consumer financing, household electricity and cooking, e-waste management, e-mobility, and products/services for the productive use of energy. Between January and June 2023, REACT SSA reached an additional ~90k households, translating to nearly 450k people reached with energy offerings. Cumulatively until June 2023, the program contributed to enable 1 983 000 people with access to clean energy, generated 2 400 jobs, installed 7.56 MW of clean energy and avoided over 520 Kt of C02 emissions. Results are broadly in line with the contracted targets, mobilized USD 44 million The REACT SSA program is found to be relevant and aligned with Swedish national policies, bilateral strategies, and broader development goals. The program's theory of change aligns with the Swedish Government's objectives related to carbon emission reduction, clean energy, job creation, and gender equality. While demonstrating efficiency in its competitive challenge fund model and multi-country approach, the program has partially satisfactory efficiency due to challenges in communication about technical assistance services and delays in contracting. In terms of effectiveness, the program is on track to achieve its expected results, exceeding targets in household reach and capital mobilization. However, disbursement challenges, delays in technical assistance contracting, and companies struggling to meet milestones pose concerns. Despite these challenges, companies generally express satisfaction with REACT financial and technical support. The impact of the project is deemed partially satisfactory, with expected positive contributions to the environment and economic development. The program is anticipated to create enabling environments, develop market systems, and provide lasting benefits to end-users. Sustainability prospects are acceptable, given the favorable institutional context and national support. However, more support may be needed for early-stage companies among beneficiaries. Coherence within the broader development ecosystem is acknowledged, with REACT SSA seen as an additional and relevant component. The program aligns with national governments' efforts and strategies for improving energy access. The gender focus is considered satisfactory, though challenges exist in achieving gender-related targets. In summary, the REACT SSA program achieved positive impacts, overcoming challenges, and providing valuable lessons for future interventions. The program showcased commendable progress in delivering clean energy solutions and promoting economic activities, particularly to underserved populations.
Renewable Energy and Adaptation to Climate Technologies Sub-Saharan Africa (REACT SSA) is a Challenge Fund (CF) program implemented by the Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF). The objective of the program is to improve access to renewable energy for low-income off-grid households, increase incomes and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in eight target countries. The broader outcome is to catalyse private sector investment and innovation in low-cost clean energy and climate change at scale. The program funds small and growing businesses in the renewable energy sector, to catalyse and test the viability of innovative business models that can accelerate progress towards Universal Access to Energy and address the Climate change challenge. Financing is complemented with Technical advisory (TA) and Investment support services to improve viability and ensure company growth. By de-risking unique business models REACT SSA supports the private sector to innovate and invest in diverse technologies.
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