Världsbanken Global Water Security & Sanitation Partnership 2022-2025
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Results reported through GWSPs Annual Report for the financial year July 2022-June 2023, submitted by mid-November. Examples of objectives/targets (sorted per priority theme) contributing to knowledge building and technical assistance are: Sustainability: Percentage of projects aiming to generate sustainability-focused knowledge products by the end of grant: Result FY23: 22 Target: 34. Financial: Percentage of projects aiming to generate policies/strategies/regulatory frameworks developed to improve financial viability: Results FY 23: 15 Target: 21 Institutions: Percentage of project supporting fragility, conflict and violence-affected states to develop and implement a water sector transition strategy: Result FY 23: 2 Target: 2 Examples of influence of GWSP funded activities on the design of World Bank lending projects are: % of new projects that promote sustainable and efficient water use: Result: 100% Target: 95% % of new rural WSS lending projects that measure functionality of water points: Result: 100% Target:90% % of new projects that are gender tagged: Result: 100% Target:85% % of projects that support reforms/actions that strengthen institutional capacity: Result: 96% Target:100% % of projects with explicit focus on leveraging private finance: Result: 8 Target 20% % of projects that have at least one climate related indicator in their results framework: Result: 100% Target:100% Examples of outcomes of World Bank loans (that have been influenced and improved with GWSP support) are; -Millions of people with access to an improved water source: 11,34 (target 12.9-14.9) -Millions of people with access to improved sanitation: 15.87 (target 8.42-9,7) -Schools and health centers with access to improved water and sanitation services: 2559 (target 1377-1875) -Water user associations created/strengthened: 5158 (target 3171-7000) -Million of hectars of land under sustainable land/water management: 2,9 (target 1-1,2) -Institutions with water resouce management monitoring systems 23 (target 22-24) The results are presented together with the target range. The overarching targets have been adjusted to yearly targets for comparison. Given the nature of GWSP's work and its focus on analysis, knowledge development and dissemination and capacity building, the enabling catalytic results are presented by examples to reflect the GWSP work more concretely. Water sector strengthening: -As a result of GWSP supported technical advice and training regarding engineering, institutional, and procurement issues to staff of the Department of Water Supply and Sewerage Management in Nepal, the trained staff were able to review the project design report and engage in the design of bidding documents and able to manage its own government's $35 million infrastructure improvement, the Bheri Pumping Project. -In the south of Angola, two citizen/local water resources monitoring programs, in a collaboration by provincial universities and municipalities have been institutionalized through the GWSP support and now provide the basis for municipalities water service plans and strategy for implementing the plans and mobilizing stakeholders. -Through enhancing the focus on inclusion, and through the work of GWSP, the Water GP had the highest rate of disability-inclusive operations among all Bank GPs. In FY23, 54 percent of projects with water and sanitation components addressed disability inclusion (of 13 projects with water supply, sanitation, and hygiene components, 7 included actions for people with disabilities). One of these operations is the Tanzania Sustainable Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Program, which supports disability-accessible facilities in 1,500 schools and 2,500 health care centers. In addition, GWSP has contributed to hands-on accessibility and safety audits which have shown to improve the capacity of local governments and construction companies by allowing them to take the perspective of users. - In Uganda, in cooperation with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the Office of the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Water, GWSP continued supporting the Integrated Water Management and Development Project though analysis that informed a series of sector reforms and infrastructure improvements. At the end of FY23, the project had given 35,350 people access to improved water sources. By 2024, the project aims to provide 1.2 million people (including 98,000 refugees) with access to these sources and 294,000 people (including 21,000 refugees) with access to improved sanitation services. -Since a couple of years, GWSP has supported authorities in Angola on a project to build a new catchment system, treatment plant, and main pipes in a bank guarantee set up that is considered a major step toward mobilizing private finance to the sector. GWSP supported authorities to develop a detailed action plans to meet five basic conditions of effectiveness related to commercial, financial, and operational performance during 2022, which triggered the first participating banks to make their first down payments to the contractors responsible in 2023. Another water security and sanitation project in Angola has resulted in the establishment of a regulatory framework for water and sanitation services, improved sector monitoring, and increased access to water sources with better management for more than 250,000 people in urban areas, based on a GWSP funded WASH diagnostic that identified key service delivery problems, political economy analysis and strengthened institutional capacity in targeted cities. The above results have contributed to the global strategy for environment and climate goal 1 (Ökad vattentrygghet genom hållbar förvaltning av sötvattenresurser och sötvattenekosystem). Fragile, Conflict and Violence (FCV) affected countries In FY23, GWSP supported development of the water sector in 18 countries affected by FCV. During FY 2023 3.45 million people got access to improved water sources and 2.88 million people got access to improved sanitation services through World Bank-financed projects in FCV settings. This is of high relevance since people living in regions marked by FCV have a significantly lower probability of accessing safely managed drinking water (43 percent) than people in more stable areas (82 percent). In Fy 2023, the GWSP engagement led to new World Bank lending of 15 projects in 8 countries (Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Haiti, Niger, Nigeria, and Somalia) and one economy (West Bank and Gaza) in fragile and conflict-affected situations. GWSP clarifies in the report that the extra expertise and support was invaluable in helping the Bank reach these areas and people as successful initiatives in FCV contexts require more time and resources than in other contexts. *GWSP has confirmed the there has not been any support to authorities or organizations in West Bank and Gaza from the trust funds. The above refers to a global and regional analysis funded by GWSP that was used in designing a project (not funded by GWSP). Environment and climate: Direct contribution to climate mitigation during financial year 2023 consisted of a net reduction in expected greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of more than 700,000 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent, through GWSP's help to design sanitation facilities that enable, for example, capturing biogas and reducing methane emissions. (700,000 tones is only equivalent to the emission of approximately 180 000 Swedish citizens, and thus there is a potential to increase this work). The monitoring and reporting of the reduction is assessed valuable and strategic by Sida. The above results have contributed to the global strategy for environment and climate goal 2 (Begränsad klimatpåverkan inklusive ökad tillgång till förnybar energi och ökad energieffektivisering). WASH in health care facilities: As a result of a GWSP supported toolkit for identifying bottlenecks on WASH in healthcare facilities, 10 countries are assessing to what level the WASH services are complete, sustainable, resilient, inclusive and safe. In Madagascar, the assessment of 765 health care facilities in four regions facilitated and pushed ahead the development of the $220 million Madagascar National Water Project in designing and supervising WASH and waste infrastructure for 70 health care facilities. A project set to be finalized by 2027. In Togo, the usage of the toolkit enabled the $100 million Togo Urban Water Security Project, to facilitate and speed up the procurement process to provide 70 schools and health center facilities with MHH-friendly WASH services. Project set to be finalised by 2029. Fragility, conflict, and violence settings. GWSP support enabled adaptation of the toolkit to fragility, conflict, and violence (FCV) settings with low institutional capacity (such as Republic of Congo and Kiribati) WASH and infection prevention/pandemic preparedness: Since 2020, GWSP has supported the development of wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) to measure the level of genetic material from the SARS-CoV-2 virus in sewage in the city of Guayaquil, Ecuador. The pilot projects success convinced the city to continue the project and it was decided to additionally track other viruses such as Hepatitis A, Rotavirus, and Adenovirus. The project has also led to prospects to expand both nationally as well as in Mexico. Studies/work are undertaken to survey traces of polio, use of fentanyl and also malnutrition. To assist other countries in adopting and scaling up WBE, GWSP has also funded a global survey of the costs of monitoring for the SARS-CoV-2 virus in LMICs and has together with the Banks Health GP, developed and published a guidance to assure build awareness of the benefits and costs associated with WBE and to offer clear guidelines for incorporating WBE in various stages of project development and set protocols that must be followed to get accurate results, the GWSP, Climate-resilient irrigation: The result below has contributed to the global strategy for environment and climate goal 5: (Stärkt anpassningsförmåga och motståndskraft mot klimatförändringar och naturkatastrofer) GWSP supported the development and implementation of cutting-edge analytics to evaluate the state of Ukraine's irrigated agriculture sector. The Bank team conducted the analysis using remote sensing, earth systems modeling, and census data. This approach aimed to deepen the understanding of weather-related risks, particularly drought risks, and their effect on agricultural systems, both rainfed and irrigated, in Ukraine. The analysis considered the consequences of weather-related risks on irrigation zones, water use for irrigation, biomass production, crop yields, and dams. It provided a better understanding of factors such as cropping intensity, crop water productivity, incremental yield, and irrigation efficiency. In addition, the analysis developed knowledge about the impacts of climate change, particularly those related to water and heat stress on agricultural productivity. All these results will help Ukraine's irrigation sector build back better through well-informed policies and decision making. The result below has contributed to the global strategy for environment and climate goal 4: (Hållbara produktions- och konsumtionsmönster, inklusive omställningen till hållbara livsmedelssystem, minskade föroreningar och hållbar kemikalie- och avfallshantering.) Since 2017, GWSP has supported the design, development, and implementation of the Bank's farmer-led irrigation development (FLID) initiative, which helps smallholder farmers take the lead in establishing, improving, or expanding irrigation sources. FLID is a bottom-up approach to developing irrigation. The private sector provides expertise and funding, and farmers drive irrigation investment and management. The result is increased food production, resilience to climate shocks, and inclusive economic growth. Throughout FY23, FLID support included facilitating innovative financing models for smallholder farmers, including pay-as-you-go, matching grant plans, dedicated micro-irrigation funds (in Tanzania), and results-based financing (in Nigeria and Zambia). During the fiscal year, the FLID initiative completed diagnostics in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Zimbabwe and supported other FLID-aligned activities in Angola, Comoros, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritania,Nigeria, Somalia, Uganda, and Zambia. These interventions were expected to boost the impact of $77 million of farmers money spent on irrigation technology for their own high-value crops. The result: by 2030, more than 83,000 African farmers should be able to access irrigation for more than 50,000 hectares. Water Resources Management The result below has contributed to the global strategy for environment and climate goal 1 (Ökad vattentrygghet genom hållbar förvaltning av sötvattenresurser och sötvattenekosystem). GWSP-supported activities in FY23 helped strengthen the capacity of the Government of South Sudan, raised the visibility of the water security agenda in the country, and identified priorities for water sector investment. GWSP technical assistance enabled the government, in March 2023, to convene a high-level policy dialogue about water security for all South Sudanese and to conduct two technical workshops with development partners to identify water sector investment priorities. GWSP financing resulted in a March 2023 report, Rising from the Depths: Water Security and Fragility in South Sudan, that explores opportunities for aligning South Sudans water sector investments and policies with the countrys ambition for peace, stability, and sustainable solutions. For example, the report highlights the potential to use South Sudans plentiful water resources to advance national development and ensure stability. The initiative led to a structured program of Bank support for the South Sudanese water sector. The program represents a total of $215 million in investments in projects for providing flood protection to and enhancing the climate resilience of vulnerable populations, including refugees and their host communities, and for developing national water frameworks, including a water resources master plan. Gender: The GWSP funded platform Equal Aqua has become a global benchmarking mechanism for promoting opportunities for women in leadership and technical positions in water sector utilities. For the 37 utilities that have completed two rounds of benchmarking, the share of total women employees increased by 7 percent; the share of women managers, by 28 percent; and the share of engineers, by 54 percent. In all cases, the utilities benefited from Bank-supported projects and Equal Aqua approaches (either through the projects or directly through engagement with the platform). 100% of all projects fulfil the World Bank gender indicator which assess the usage of gender based analysis, consideration, target setting and monitoring. In a extensive project in Tunisia, where the share of female employees in managerial positions was (16.1 percent) in 2019 and lower than in other utilities of the region (21 percent) the objective is set to increase representation of women in the supervisory and decision-making positions to 30 percent.
The overall objective of the GWSP, expressed in their newly updated strategy Global Water Security and Sanitation Partnership Strategy update 2022, is to aid governments to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 6, a water secure world for all, by sustaining water resources, delivering services and building resilience. Through generating relevant knowledge and analytics and strengthening the sectors enabling environment, the GWSP aims to contribute to the World Banks twin goals to "end extreme poverty and promote shared growth". The focus lies on providing technical support and strengthen systems while leveraging World Bank Group resources, domestic resources as well as other private investments for well-designed investments and efficient implementation of WASH-services, Water Resource management and climate resilient agriculture. The expectation is impacts from the supporting work of GWSP together with financing of infrastructure from other sources. The GWSP aims to influence three thematic areas (referred to as business lines) of the Water GP; Water Supply and Sanitation (WSS), Water Resource Management (WRM), and Water in Agriculture (WiA). The thematic areas are addressed by focusing on one or more of these five priority themes (sustainability, inclusion, institutions, financing and resilience). Work is carried out on global, regional, national and sub-national level. A comprehensive results framework that measures different types of step wise improvements have been developed. The full results framework is presented in the annual report published on the World Banks/GWSP's webpage. Expected results are partly the type/amount of knowledge products och technical assistance that GWSP will produce or provide. For example, outputs in the form of development of policies, strategies, regulatory frameworks, development of knowledge products, strengthening of water sector actors etc. The knowledge products and technical assistance is then to contribute to improved and financed projects. Expected results also includes impact of GWSP on these projects, measured both as amount of funds that are leveraged and the design of the projects, such as for example inclusion of gender consideration, projects that promote sustainable and efficient water use or projects with an explicit focus on leveraging private finance. The above expected results are then in their turn expected to contribute to the following targets: (Cumulative target range for 2023-2030): People with access to improved water sources: 103.2 - 119.1 million People with access to improved sanitation: 67.38 - 77.6 million Area with new/improved irrigation services: 5.84 - 7.62 million hectares People in areas covered by water risk mitigation measures (flooding/drought): 33.1 - 40 million Institutions with WRM monitoring systems: 176 - 192 Area under sustainable land/water management practices: 8 - 9.4 million hectares
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