UN-Habitat 2016-2019
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For 2019 - the sixth and final year into the implementation of the agency's strategic plan - UN-Habitat has reported on a wide range of results, encompassing institutional- and operational-level results. The UN-Habitat internal restructuring process, launched in 2018, progressed during the year - a new organization structure was developed and approved by the Executive Board, with the structure taking effect on 1 January, 2020. Over the programme period, UN-Habitat has supported countries towards implementing SDG 11 and other urban related goals, the New Urban Agenda (although in a more limited scale) and the strategic plan was implemented in a matrix structure in which branches worked closely with regional offices in implementing projects and programmes to reduce a previously siloed programming approach. The New Urban Agenda from 2016 has reaffirmed UN-Habitat’s role as focal point for sustainable urbanization, and human settlements in collaboration with other UN system entities, recognizing the linkages between sustainable development, disaster reduction, climate change, housing, etc., that are becoming increasingly prominent as a global, national and local priorities. Below, some examples of both institutional and operational activities are presented. There are a lot of reporting on operational activities, and the examples below are just a small selection. UN-Habitat is operating on local, national, regional and global levels. Looking at the regional summaries of 2019, 21 projects were carried out in 26 African countries, using 28.30 million USD; 15 projects were carried out in 10 Asian countries, using 22.75 million USD; 22 projects were carried out in 14 MENA countries, using 44.14 million USD; and 9 projects were carried out in 6 Latin American and Carribean countries, using 17.45 million USD. Activities have also been carried out in countries of the commonwealth of independent states (such as Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan) and other countries and territories in Europe (such as Serbia & Turkey). Institutional reforms Sweden was a major supporter of these institutional reforms. - The first UN-Habitat Assembly was successfully convened in May 2019 and attracted 2,900 delegates including national delegations from 127 countries, four heads of state and government and 49 ministers. One of the key outcomes from the first Assembly was the approval of the new UN-Habitat Strategic Plan 2020—2023 along with five programmatic resolutions, one decision and one ministerial declaration. - The results framework of the Strategic Plan 2020—2023 was developed in consultation with colleagues from across UN-Habitat and member states. - UN-Habitat spearheaded the development of a United Nations system-wide strategy on sustainable urbanization working with over 24 organizations. The strategy the blueprint for sustainable urban development and was adopted by the Chief Executive Board led by the United Nations Secretary-General, in April 2019. - Several key changes were implemented to strengthen internal processes for a fit-for-purpose agency. These included: the development of a matrix of highpriority functions to be decentralized with timelines; agreement on policies and procedures to be decentralized; including training and capacity development; standardization of contracts for equitable treatment and organizational cost-savings; and the finalization of a new cost recovery and allocation policy. - Concrete steps were taken to address the financial deficit. Austerity measures were adopted including the freezing of recruitment, restricted travel and audits of financial practices. These measures were coupled with direct appeals to member states for support to address operational needs. Selection of results relevant to the Strategy for Sweden’s global development cooperation in the areas of environmental sustainability, sustainable climate and oceans, and sustainable use of natural resources 2018–2022 Strategy sub-target: Environmentally sustainable cities and communities. UN-Habitat supports countries to improve policies, plans and designs for more compact, socially inclusive, safe, integrated, connected, climate change resilient cities. It provides governments at all levels with tested approaches, guidelines and tools to promote the management of growth and improved sustainability, efficiency and equity of cities and other human settlements through planning and design. This sub-programme on urban planning and design connects to the strategic goal about environmentally sustainable cities and communities. In 2019, more than 80 cities across all regions adopted plans and designs developed through the Lab and the Public Space Programme, 1.82 million people were at the end of the year enjoying safe access to more than 104 public spaces that have been designed and upgraded through UN-Habitat’s global public space programme that operates in 75 cities, and 53 countries were supported in the development, implementation and monitoring of national urban policies promoting inclusive and participatory approaches by the end of 2019, up from 4 countries in 2014. ---- UN-Habitat transforms urban data, research outputs into products that guide member states, to formulate informed decisions for sustainable urban development. It contributes to monitoring and assessment of the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and coordinate preparation of the Quadrennial Report on the New Urban Agenda. Efforts within the sub-programme on research and capacity development are relevant to the strategic goal on environmentally-sustainable cities and communities. In 2019, 540 cities in 13 countries implemented the City ProsperityInitiative to undertake diagnostics, create baselines, propose targets and produce actions plans and policy decisions, 416 local governments and 42 national governments used UN-Habitat flagship publications for evidence-based policy formulation, and 134 participants from 24 countries representing national statistical offices and urban observatories benefitted from the regional training on monitoring and reporting tools in 2019. --- UN-Habitat supports local, regional and national authorities in adopting and implementing policies and strategies that promote inclusive economic growth and development, create economic opportunities for all, particularly for young women, men and vulnerable groups, and improve municipal finance. UN-Habitat's work under the urban economy and municipal finance sub-programme contributes to the strategic goals on environmentally-sustainable cities and communities, and greater access to basic services. In 2019, 30 partner cities prepared local economic development plans based on detailed local economic assessments, 61 cities were engaged by UN-Habitat on urban youth development programmes, focusing on public space, participation in governance, livelihoods and peace-building, and 69'253 youth were trained by the Urban Youth Fund in areas of sustainable urbanization and livelihoods. Strategy sub-target: Greater access to basic services and housing in urban areas for people living in poverty. Strategy sub-target: Increased access to sustainable renewable energy at an affordable price for people living in poverty. Strategy sub-target: Reduced vulnerability for people living in poverty and increased resilience to handle climate change and natural disasters. UN-Habitat supports member states increase access to adequate and affordable housing to improve the standard of living in existing slums and curb the growth of new ones in an inclusive manner. The sub-programme on housing and slum upgrading connects to the strategic goal about increased access to basic community services and housing in urban areas for people living in poverty and reduced vulnerability in people living in poverty, and increased resilience to tackle climate change and natural disasters. In 2019, 800'000 people were protected from evictions and partner countries were engaged in improving living conditions and acknowledged slum dwellers “right to stay”, 56 countries have benefitted from tools and knowledge aligned with UN-Habitat’s inclusive and integrated slum upgrading approach to independently formulate gender and climate sensitive strategies, 35 citywide, national and regional strategies for slum upgrading have been developed through UN-Habitat’s Participatory Slum Upgrading Programme, and 43 countries received technical advice from UN-Habitat to formulate and implement improved housing policies. ---- UN-Habitat’s work in urban basic services provides partner countries with technical expertise to strengthen policy and institutional frameworks that integrate basic service delivery at all levels of city governance, in order to improve their capacity and efficiency in the provision of clean water, adequate sanitation and waste management services. UN-Habitat also supports initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to support the Paris Accord, foster inclusive accessibility in cities and promote development of clean energy sources. The urban basic services sub-programme connects to the strategic goals about increased access to basic community services and housing in urban areas for people living in poverty, increased access to sustainable renewable energy at an affordable cost for people living in poverty and sustainable energy systems based on renewable energy. In 2019, 7 new water operator partnerships joined the Global Water Operators' Partnership Alliance and 187 water operators' partnerships improved their service delivery, 1 million users benefitted from water utilities whose capacity and performance have improved through the Global Water Operators Partnership Alliance in 2019, and the number of cities being part of the global Waste Wise Cities Campaign rose to 169, with 109 cities joining in 2019 in response to UN-Habitat’s advocacy efforts for urgent action on solid waste management. ---- UN-Habitat helps governments identify key urban laws, regulations and processes requiring reform and adoption; strengthens land and tenure security for all, especially vulnerable groups such as women and those displaced by conflict or natural disaster; raises awareness about decentralization and provides tools and technical advice to promote urban safety. The sub-programme on urban legislation, land and governance connects to the strategic goal about increased access to basic community services and housing in urban areas for people living in poverty. In 2019, the number of legal instruments on on urban law that are stored in UN-Habitat's global urban legislation database (UrbanLex) has reached 1800 (compare with 560 in 2015). The database helps stakeholders access urban laws for learning and comparative analysis. Also, 1.2 million people in 13 countries have benefitted from UN-Habitat and Global Land Tool Network’s normative frameworks and tools on land and tenure security and 1600 change agents (45 %of them women) from 36 institutions in 2019 improved their capacity to promote and implement propoor and gender-responsive land tools. Strategy sub-target: Reduced vulnerability for people living in poverty and increased resilience to handle climate change and natural disasters. UN-Habitat supports member states build resilience to the impacts of crises in cities and provide technical support to recover from crisis events. UN-Habitat advocates and influences the global community to strengthen urban resilience as well as sustainable crisis response and recovery programming. The sub-programme on risk reduction and rehabilitation connects to the strategic goal about reduced vulnerability in people living in poverty, and increased resilience to tackle climate change and natural disasters. In 2019, more than 1 million people benefitted from UN-Habitat’s interventions in sustainable urban reconstruction in post-crisis situations and within protracted conflict environments, 30 cities across 11 countries in Africa used the City Resilience Action Planning Tool to assess their resilience needs and develop strategies and action plans to reduce vulnerabilities and build resilience to natural and human-made hazards, and over 4200 cities are now part of the global campaign, the Making Cities Resilient Campaign, which UN-Habitat chairs, and are contributing to the achievement of urban elements and targets of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.
The overall aim of the intervention is to support selected parts of UN-Habitat's Strategic Plan (SP) for 2014-2019 based on the priorities of the Swedish government. A total of 154 000 000 SEK was disbursed to UN-Habitat over the period of the intervention. The overall goal of the SP is to contribute to "Well-planned, well-governed and efficient cities and other human settlements with adequate infrastructure and universal access to employment, land and basic services, including housing, water, sanitation, energy and transport". The strategic result of the SP is: Environmentally, economically and socially sustainable, gender-sensitive and inclusive urban development policies implemented by national, regional and local authorities have improved the standard of living of the urban poor and enhance their participation in the socio-economic life of the city. This will be achieved through supporting approximately 17 projects (each with their respective outcomes) within five of the focus areas of the SP as well as three thematic and/or mainstreaming areas.
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