Tanzania UNDAP II
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The UN reports that the One UN Fund has improved cohesion and coordination between UN agencies in Tanzania, thereby strengthening the UN's contribution to outcome level results and achieved 90% of output targets by the operational closure of the fund in June 2023. A selection of key outcomes enabled by the One Fund resources per outcome area that has been supported by Sida are highlighted below. Economic Growth and Employment Outcomes - The One UN Fund contributed to enhanced policy frameworks and capacities across Tanzania's agricultural, industrial, and trade sectors. Particular focus was given to inclusivity and sustainability, leading to policy and action plans that prioritised sustainable economic growth and gender equality. Emphasis was also placed on supporting and uplifting local entrepreneur microenterprises and rural farmer businesses, with special attention to projects led by women and youth. - Increased productivity, strengthened capacities for the creation of valueadded products and improved market access contributed to rights holders' increased economic participation and opportunities for decent employment, especially women and youth. This led to tangible improvements in living standards, with over 75,000 people across Tanzania reporting increased incomes (38,518 women and 36,953 men on the mainland, 850 women and men in Zanzibar). Additionally, 39,394 individuals were connected to innovative technological platforms, boosting enterprise performance across the board. - The One UN Fund impacted women's access to land and property rights, with the issuance of Certificates of Customary Rights of Occupancy (CCROs) to women increasing from 14% before the UNDAP II (2017) to 41% after its implementation (2022). This indicates a substantial shift towards gender equality in economic resources. - At the subnational level, the One UN Fund empowered regional and Local Government Authorities (LGAs) to create 176 comprehensive economic plans and budgets addressing local challenges related to poverty, environmental sustainability, and gender equality. The plans have supported local communities in driving sustainable socioeconomic progress, in alignment with national development priorities. Democratic Governance, Human Rights and Gender Equality Outcomes - The One UN Fund contributed to making governance more effective, inclusive, and responsive to both national and international development goals. In particular a more inclusive, transparent, and accountable legislative process. Key to this was the increased engagement between CSOs and parliamentary bodies, in discussions on crucial bills, that contributed to strengthening policy influence and public trust. The introduction of digital platforms such as the eParliament initiative made both public and CSO participation in governance more accessible and efficient. - Efforts to integrate gender equality and sustainable development into governance resulted in advancements such as the implementation of the Child Justice Reform Strategy and the enhancement of Tanzania's Open Budget Index. These initiatives demonstrate a strong commitment to incorporating gender perspectives into national policies, further evidenced by the undertaking of Tanzania's first digital population and housing census. This census marks a significant step towards modernising data collection that is crucial for policy planning and SDG tracking. - UN agencies supported the introduction of innovative financing mechanisms such as blue and green bonds and carbon trading funds. New financing mechanisms are important to sustainable development funding of the country. Women's Leadership and Political Participation Outcomes - The One UN Fund has had significant impact on making governance more gender inclusive and responsive. For example through the introduction of gender sensitive policies, empowerment of women in political roles, and advocacy against discriminatory practices at community level. This is reported to have strengthened the commitment to incorporate gender perspectives into national policies and governance. Analysis and revisions of electoral laws ensured more inclusive policies, particularly through the amendment of the Political Parties Act which promotes equality, nondiscrimination, and inclusivity to combat violence against women in politics and foster a safer environment for their participation. - The National Electoral Commission Gender Strategy and the National Gender Policy were developed, laying the groundwork for a sustained push towards gender sensitive governance. The implementation of the Gender Mainstreaming Guidelines for Public Service and the introduction of the Gender Bench Book for judicial officers highlighted a commitment to integrating gender perspectives across all levels of public service and judiciary, aiming to uphold women's rights effectively. - Advocacy strategies for legislative review and innovative educational and awareness-raising initiatives aimed at bridging gender gaps and empowering women and girls supported systemic change across the political landscape. Efforts transcended legislative reforms, touching on the grassroot levels where approximately 1,120,000 community members developed a more nuanced understanding of gender equality and women's leadership. 500 male GEWE Champions and 120 women's Wanawake Sasa Groups played a vital role in championing gender equality and cultivating a conducive environment for women's leadership and political participation. An increased representation of women in leadership positions was also seen following the 2020 elections, with demonstrated support from major political parties. 70% of women who were supported to improve their leadership skills by UN programmes were successfully nominated to run as candidates. Violence against Women and Children Outcomes - The One UN Fund supported women and children in Tanzania have better access to a protection system that effectively prevents and responds to violence and harmful social practices. The UN had a central role in enhancing service delivery, building capacity among key stakeholders, mobilising community and media engagement, and implementing advanced monitoring and data management systems to enable this change. From a baseline of 6% on the mainland and 20% in Zanzibar in 2017, the protection system coverage expanded to 21% and 100% by 2022. - Delivery of services to survivors of violence against women and children was enhanced. 13,000 (cumulative) frontline workers including social welfare officers, community development officers, teachers, health service providers, and legal aid providers were supported to offer better gender responsive and survivor centred services to women and children. - Over 36,957 women and 37,181 children on the mainland, and 3,000 women and 13,451 children in Zanzibar, received protection services. This includes health, counselling, referral to education and legal services, and psychosocial support. 14 million people were reached through significant media engagement and community mobilisation to shift societal attitudes toward VAWC, contributing to a cultural shift that challenges harmful social practices and promotes gender equality. Non Programmatic Outcomes - The One UN Fund contributed to the "UN Delivering As One" by strengthening the UN System's strategic planning, monitoring and reporting and the overall coordination services by the Resident Coordinator Office to the UN Country Team. - The funding of a Results Based Management Specialist at the RCO supported the participatory and inclusive development of the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) for Tanzania for the period 2022-2027, ensuring complete government engagement and leading to its endorsement and signing by the government during the Joint Steering Committee meeting in March 2022. The RCO's continued role to facilitate the joint UN programming, planning, monitoring, and reporting has enabled a more coordinated UN Country Team and Common Country Analysis. Additionally, 30 UN staff members have improved their understanding of Results Based Management principles and the integration of the Leave No One Behind and Human Rights Based Approach to Programming into the programme cycle. UN agencies also have access to a centralized repository of studies and surveys implemented across the cooperation framework. - The One UN Fund support to the Gender and Leave No One Behind Adviser provided technical expertise that strengthened the integration of gender and LNOB across the UN's work in Tanzania. The One UN Fund has strengthened the availability of statistical data related to Tanzania's development. For example, support was given to Tanzania's preparation of the second Voluntary National Review (VNR) of Agenda 2030. The VNR report was presented to the High-Level Political Forum of the United Nations' Economic and Social Council in July 2023 to provide an assessment of Tanzania's progress in implementing all 17 SDGs goals. The One UN Fund also facilitated the provision of technical and financial support to the development of the Tanzania Human Development Report 2022 (HDR) process. The One UN Fund further supported the creation of an online open-access portal based on the Goal Tracker platform, which encourages greater transparency and accountability for stakeholders engaged in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda in Tanzania. The Goal Tracker complements existing initiatives in the country and aims to establish a consolidated platform for identifying gaps and opportunities in the implementation of the SDGs and FYDP III/ZADEP.
The United Nations Development Assistance Plan (UNDAPII) in Tanzania is designed to strengthen the coherence and effectiveness of the UN system at national level, as a contribution to Tanzania's work for sustainable poverty reduction and the realization of human rights. The broad operations correspond to several of the goals stated in the results strategy for Swedish development cooperation with Tanzania for the period 2013-2019. UNDAPII results are grouped under four inter-related, mutually dependent themes which acknowledge that Inclusive Growth requites a Healthy Nation, which is Resilient to shocks both (natural and man-made) within a context of transparent and accountable Governance. These four thematic areas are divide into 12 outcomes and 39 outputs. Four out of a total of 12 outcomes in UNDAPII are particularly relevant to the Swedish strategy namely; (1) good governance and human rights (2) gender; violence against women and children; (3) female participation and political leadership (4) economic growth and employment. The Swedish strategy identifies women, children and young people as priority target groups. The program also contributes to the UN's focus on improved results and coherence by bringing together about 20 UN agencies' planning, budgeting and reporting in a joint performance framework for Tanzania. UNDAP II therefore decreases to some extent duplication of work for national partners as well as for UN organizations. The support is earmarked for the four mentioned results areas a short description is provided below: OUTCOME: ECONOMIC GROWTH AND EMPLOYMENT The Outcome Statement: The economy is increasingly transformed for greater pro-poor inclusiveness, competivness and improved opportunities for decent and productive employment. The aim is to promote economic growth which is inclusive, specifically for pro-poor and provides opportunities for decent and productive employment, in particular for women and youth on both mainland and Zanzibar. OUTCOME: DEMOCRATIC GOVERNACE, HUMAN RIGHTS AND GENDER EQUAILTY The Outcome statement: National Governance is more effective, transparent, accountable and inclusive. The aim is to strengthen Parliament, Government, Ministries, MDAs and LGAs (and other stakeholders) capacities to improve good governance, accountability, the rule of law and access to justice and increase respect, protection and fulfilment for human rights, both on mainland and Zanzibar. This is both influencing the normative agenda as well as providing technical assistance, help with policy coordination, planning capacity, skills development etc. OUTCOME: VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND CHILDREN The Outcome statement: Enhanced prevention of and response to violence against women and children. The aim is to intensify efforts to prevent and respond to violence against women across a range of initiatives on both the mainland and Zanzibar. This will be done by encompassing legislative and policy measures, more effective generation and utilisation of data, expansion of social Welfare case management and referrals to other service providers, addressing harmful cultural norms and practices whilst reinforcing positive practices at household and community level. OUTCOME: WOMEN´S POLITICAL PARTICIPATION AND LEADERSHIP The Outcome Statement: Women and Girls increasingly participate in political and public life and are elected to leadership positions. The aim is to support national institutions to promote accountable and transparent governance on both the Mainland and Zanzibar. Initiatives will strengthen the performance of core institutions, enhancing civic participation in policy formulation and public access to information, establishing a robust evidence base for decision making, facilitating compliance with commitments to international human rights norms and standards, and improving access to a more responsive justice system.
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