Finansiering för lokal klimatanpassning
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In 2023 Sida the through LOCAL project continued operating in Gaza and Inhambane provicnes and managed to fully up scale to the northern part of Mozambique, specifically to Angoche and Ilha de Mozambique districts in Nampula province and Maua, Metarica and Marrupa districts in Niassa Province as part of the operational geographic focus the Swedish strategy in Mozambique. Through the LoCAL project, Sida supported gender mainstreaming into Local Adaptation planning, financing and implementation of climate-resilient and small-scale infrastructure at district level, with approved plans worth approximately SEK 46.5 million in 2023. Projects in water, renewable energy, schools and health care have reached 67,713 people , the majority women. Sida through LoCAL programme supported the participation of 6 delegates of the Mozambique government to Conference of Parties COP 28 in Dubai out of which 3 Administrators were from the local authorities of Niassa, Gaza and Inhambane.
The proposed contribution "Local Climate Adaptive Living - LoCAL Mozambique" aims to improve resilience to climate change at district level through increase in access to climate change adaptation financing through performance-based climate resilient grants (PBCRG). The expected long-term impact is "Improved food security & nutrition and reduced vulnerability of people in 13 districts in Gaza and Inhambane from 2018-2023". The main expected results are: 1. Effective performance-based climate resilient grant system (finance mechanism) is established in Mozambique and operational for additional funding" 2. Inclusive, effective and accountable climate change- mainstreamed planning and budgeting processes at the district level 3. Climate change resilient investments (services and infrastructure) are managed efficiently and effectively and transparently implemented by the participating districts through the PBCRG (Performance Based Climate Resilient Grant) system. 4. Monitoring and evaluation for Learning.M&E system and lessons learned and national policies informed about experiences from launch of LoCAL and integration of climate change in all steps of the local PFM process and improvements of the PFM 5. Completed roll-out plans and capacity building support for new districts in new province(s) by end of programme (beyond 2023).
Svenskt bistånd i siffror och berättelser
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Rapporter från Expertgruppen för biståndsanalys och Sidas strategi- och korruptionsrapporterBerättelser om biståndets resultatSidas årsredovisning