OneUN-SRHR för Flickor och unga kvinnor i Mocambique
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•Cumulatively, between May 2016-March 2023 the programme reached 1,000,801 Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW) with mentorship (92% of the targeted 1,085,447). •3,280 mentors were active in leading mentoring sessions in their communities. •The boys mentorship was expanded to six new districts, reaching 12 districts and a total of 21,731 adolescent boys and young men in 2022. •A total of 1,624 safe spaces were functioning during the year in analysis. •In 2022, a total of 132,809 new adolescents and youth subscribed to the SMS BIZ platform and received information and counseling on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health (ASRH). The number of SMS BIZ users grew by 72%. •A total of 6,112 adolescent girls and young women identified out of school were reintegrated in schools. •2,730 adolescents and youth were trained and involved in media clubs, through radio and television (Rádio Moçambique, FORCOM and TVM). •170,737 AGYW had access to youth friendly services (SAAJ), out of which adopted at least one modern contraceptive method. Out of those who had access to youth friendly services, 60% tested for HIV. •A total of 2,032 teachers were sensitized on the comprehensive sexual education (CSE) content, and 79 teachers were certified as qualified trainers. 33,805 students were sensitized on issues related to CSE. •9 mobile brigades were carried out, with 4 of them being held in Nampula and 5 in Zambezia. In total, 26,224 adolescents and youth were reached by the mobile brigades. •6,427 AGYW benefited from training on financial literacy, business management and saving groups, and received starter-up kits. Out of these beneficiaries, 2,286 AGYW are managing small enterprises. •Community dialogues reached 125,539 people; 404 community leaders empowered. •The programme continued with low rates of early pregnancy among girls and young women aged 10-19 while participating in the mentorship sessions (0.9%), and 0.7% of child marriage rate, compared to the programme target of below 5%, for both early pregnancy and child marriage.
Goal: Sexual and reproductive health and rights of girls and young women in 2 provinces in Mozambique are fully realized through improved capacities to make informed choices and improved access to SRH services. Outcomes: 1. Girls and young women knowledge, agency and capacities strengthened to make informed decisions on their SRH, demand for and uptake of essential SRH services 2. Availability of quality integrated ASRH services for girls and young women increased 3. An enabling, free and safe environment for increased participation of girls and young women and the promotion of their SRH rights created 4. Governance and coordination for integrated SRH programming at all levels strengthened
Svenskt bistånd i siffror och berättelser
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Rapporter från Expertgruppen för biståndsanalys och Sidas strategi- och korruptionsrapporterBerättelser om biståndets resultatSidas årsredovisning