Landsbygdselektrifiering i Vilanculos fas 2
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Totalt 377 738 533 SEK fördelat på 0 aktiviteter
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The project has achieved all the results as planned. This include the results specified in the project document in addition to additional works added on 2022 amendment to the agreement. This include 10426 connections vs 6750 connection in the original project design, as reported in 2023 but additional connections (min 1750 connections) will be reported in the final report of the project. 37% of connected households are reported to be women headed households. Climate adaptation: Re-routing and constructing 14 km of 110 kv transmission line securing renewable electricity supply to more than 75000 people additional to the districts electrified by the project, from Mavusi hydro power plants Climate mitigation: goal achieved of saving 23000 ton CO2 annually by replacing the diesel generator used to provide the isolated grid of Vilanculos with electricity.
In November 2018, Sida director general made a decision (2018-003320) on support for connecting the electricity network in Vilanculos to the national grid, connecting approximately 7,000 new connections in the provinces of Inhambane and Sofala and improving electricity deliveries to a further 12,000 existing electricity customers in Vilanculos and Inhassoro. The total budget for the initiative is SEK 371 million during the period 1 December 2018 to 30 June 2022, of which Sweden contributes SEK 335 million and Mozambique SEK 36 million. With the proposed amendment, the results can be updated to increase the number of connections with more than 3, 000 connections to 10,000 new connections and securing and improving electricity deliveries to more that 15,000 connections (i.e. 27,000 connections in total). With the additional contribution of MSEK 43, the total Swedish contribution will increase to SEK 378 million. The purpose and long-term impact of the contribution remains the same, namely: The proposed contribution Rural Electrification of Vilanculos aims to increase access to sustainable energy services in the project area, as a prerequisite for universal access of electricity; social and economic development; and poverty reduction. The expected long-term impact is Improved sustainable electricity services for 200,000 women, men, girls, and boys, in northern Inhambane and southern Sofala Province, by 2030. The main expected results of the contribution with the proposed amendment are: 1. Vilanculos is interconnect to the national grid, with adequate and reliable supply of sustainably produced electricity, and systems for transmission, transformation and distribution at district level - managed effectively by the utility EDM. 2. Mitigation measures equivalent to reduction of more than 23,000 tCO2/year, through substitution of fossil fuels with renewable energy sources, during 2021-2027. This figure is expected to be increased with the additional contribution as the annual actual decrease in fossil energy generation will be increased from 45.3 GWh to 67.1 GWh. The actual CO2 savings will be calculted upon completion of the contribution hence the target is not updated for the time being. 3. Inclusive, effective, and sufficient electricity services for public goods and households, including also vulnerable groups such as female-headed-households. 4. Increased technical and financial viability of EDM, due to reduced system losses, and increased revenues from productive uses of electricity in the project area.
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