Generellt budgetstöd 2009-2013
På denna webbplats visas öppna data om det svenska biståndet, som visar när, till vem och för vilket ändamål svenskt biståndsmedel betalas ut, samt vad det har gett för resultat. Denna sida innehåller information om en av de insatser som finansieras med svenskt bistånd.
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Totalt 1 597 500 000 SEK fördelat på 0 aktiviteter
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General question: Results related to the intended outcome 2013Question: Summarise results related to the intended outcome (this information will be sent to Open Aid)Answer: The overall objective of the intervention is to support the implementation of Mozambique's poverty reduction strategy (PARP), the overall objective of which is to reduce consumption poverty from 54.7 to 42% by 2015. A new household survey is expected to become available during 2015, so recent poverty figures are not yet available. The results during 2013 were broadly in line with those of previous years. The continued expansion of services in education, health water & sanitation and social protection has a positive effect on poor people’s life, although the quality of services remain a problem and sometimes even increases as the systems expand. Underlying problems include slow institutional reform, weak public financial management and problems with logistics. Despite continued strong economic growth during 2013, there are no convincing signs that growth is becoming inclusive, i.e. poor people do not participate or benefit from the economic growth to the extent that that would be expected. The growth in sector of small scale farmers (70-80% of the population) remained below average, whilst job creation is slow (acknowledging that statistics are unreliable). The GoM delivered reasonably well on the results it had committed to achieve in this area, but it is generally recognized the set target do not adequately reflect progress on inclusive growth. Better policies to improve agriculture productivity and create jobs, especially in small and medium sized enterprises are needed.
Svenskt bistånd i siffror och berättelser
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Rapporter från Expertgruppen för biståndsanalys och Sidas strategi- och korruptionsrapporterBerättelser om biståndets resultatSidas årsredovisning