ILO sysselsättning: MozTrabalha 2
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The second phase of MozTrabalha effectively started in early March 2023 as the Chief Technical Advisor (CTA) assumed duties. It took until August 2023 to have the core team fully on-boarded. The Embassy, when preparing for the second phase of the project, took, in dialogue with the ILO, a decision to change the majority of the project staff. Adding ILO's bureaucratic procedures for recruitment and complex geographical organisaitonal set up, this implied a slow start up of MozTrabalha's second phase. In parallell, a technical working group with the key partners/ILO constituents was established (Secretaria de Estado da Juventude e Emprego -SEJE, Ministério do Trabalho e Segurança Social - MITESS, Confederação das Associações Económicas de Moçambique - CTA, Confederação Nacional dos Sindicatos Independentes e Livres de Moçambique - CONSILMO, Organizaçâo dos Trabalhadores de Moçambique (OTM-CS). The Project Steering Committee (PSC) held its first meeting in December 2023 during which the proposed intervention designed was discussed, and a workplan for 2024 was established. In 2024 the project's "Inception phase" ended(based on market systems development approach). The deliverables of this phase include: - Markets Systems Analysis (MSA) sustainable construction - Markets Systems Analysis (MSA) forestry and wood - Gender Mainstreaming Strategy - Training Needs Assessment and Capacity Development Plan (primarily for involved ILO constituents). - Environment Assessment and Conflict Analysis - Updated Project document including updated Theory of change; Logframe; and Risk register. The project invested extensively in the Inception phase and this is assessed as justifiable in order to provide a solid basis for the implementation phase.
The overall objective of MozTrabalha2 is to contribute to the creation of productive employment and decent working conditions for Mozambican women and men, particularly youth and those living in poverty. Applying a systems approach as the guiding framework, the project will strive to achieve its objectives on the basis of interventions at the national and sectoral levels, as well as cross-cutting capacity development support to ILOs tripartite constituents and main stakeholders. Through this, the following three outcomes are foreseen: Outcome 1 (national): Supportive economic and sectoral policies and labour market institutions advance employment through structural transformation in key sectors of the economy. Outcome 2 (sectoral): Young women and men living in poverty access sustainable employment opportunities in enterprises and economic units that transition to higher productivity and carbon-neutral production. Outcome 3 (cross-cutting): Tripartite constituents and key stakeholders at national, provincial and local levels are capacitated to better address key constraints and bottlenecks for decent and pro-poor employment creation through systemic and sustainable enterprise development and policy interventions. The project is expected to achieve its objective through positively influencing the employment-intensity and productivity levels of economic growth in the country, as well as ensuring that resulting benefits go to the identified target groups, by influencing national and sectoral level growth dynamics, structural transformation trajectories, and just transitions to a low-carbon economy. This overarching project-level impact goal will be achieved through a wide range of outcome and output level result goals, which in a systemic manner will contribute to its overall achievement. Concrete outcome and output level goals will be defined in subsequent steps through the projects dynamic and fluid design philosophy which is based on recurring learning cycles.
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