DKT - Social marknadsföring av SRH produkter 2023-2026
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Totalt 142 131 874 SEK fördelat på 0 aktiviteter
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In 2023, DKT generated over 5.02 million CYPs (against a target of 4.9 million) through the delivery over 70 million condoms, 56,500 female condoms, 244,700 intrauterine devices (IUDs), 296,800 three-year implants, 94,800 five-year implants, one million injectables, 2.4 million cycles of oral contraception (OC), 7.6 million units of emergency contraception (EC), 16,800 manual vacuum aspiration (MVA) kits, 3.7 million misoprostol tablets, and 367,500 mifepristone-misoprostol medical abortion (MA) combipacks. Using impact calculators, it is estimated that DKTs results helped to avert over 654,700 unintended pregnancies, 1.4 million unsafe abortions, and 4,690 maternal deaths. DKT introduced 19 new SRH products in the programme countries, reached 26,116 new users of contraception, reached 8,569 vulnerable individuals with SRH counselling and services, reached 100,000 individuals through call centres of which 18,895 received counselling through telemedicine services, made 442,808 referrals for SRH-services, accessed 620,412 individuals through clinics and trained over 21,850 providers in order to provide quality, judgment-free SRH care. The percentage of individuals surveyed on quality of service ranked services from service providers as good or very good was 85%.
The overall impact of the intervention is to contribute to progress towards universal sexual and reproductive health and rights by generating 29 million Couple Years of Protection (CYPs), averting 5 million unintended pregnancies, 42,300 maternal deaths, and 8.1 million unsafe abortions across sub-Saharan Africa over the four-year time period. Outcome 1: Strengthened supply chain by increasing availability of modern contraceptive methods and safe abortion Output 1.1: Increased sales of contraception and safe abortion products Output 1.2: Register new SRH products Output 1.3: Leveraged regional approaches and economies of scale Output 1.4: Monitoring and follow-up on implementation of global policies Outcome 2: Expanded access to SRH information and services Output 2.1: Employ gender-sensitive marketing strategies to increase awareness and demand for SRH Output 2.2: Improve SRH access in underserved communities Output 2.3: Connect end-users to SRH care Output 2.4: Leverage technology to increase access to SRH information and services Outcome 3: Improved quality of SRH care through capacity building Output 3.1: Train/detail providers and dispensers in both the private and public sector on provision of full product range and counselling
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