UNOPS fond Mocambique
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Q4 2023 Narrative and financial report: Similarly to previous reports, the PPS reports all objectives and outputs as 'on track' or 'achieved'. Events and highlights include the end of PESG office, events within decentralization, progress on pensions payments and reconciliation activities. It is evident that the project is starting to wind down, with some key activities now being listed as completed. The Q4 report was received on time, and in accordance with agreement conditions. It is the Embassy's view that the report contains sufficient information for the Donor Coordination Group (DCG) to be able to make an assessment of progress against agreed upon results. The DCG jointly decided to approve the reports pertaining to Q4, and an official approval was sent to the PPS on 20 March 2024.
The objective of the intervention is to contribute to a future of peace and reconciliation in Mozambique, with no resurgence of military hostilities between the Government and Renamo. Specific objective 1: Peace infrastructure exists to support the full implementation of the Maputo Accord for Peace and Reconciliation. Specific objective 2: Disarmament and Demobilisation of Renamo ex-combatants is completed as per Memorandum of Understanding and a Reintegration Concept agreed collaboratively. Expected outcome 1.1: The Secretariat will provide the relevant technical and administrative support to the UNSG Personal Envoy and Principals over a two year period. Expected outcome 1.2: A strengthened peace architecture providing a diverse range of supports including technical, logistical and administrative to the peace process, mobilisation of resources and oversight of the Basket Fund by The Secretariat. Expected outcome 2.1: The ongoing dialogue between Government and Renamo finalises the DDR concept (procedures and benefits/entitlements) with a particular focus on gender and facilitates the reintegration of Renamo ex-combatants into society. Expected outcome 2.2: By the end of 2020, 5221 Renamo ex-combatants assembled, verified, registered, disarmed and demobilised. Expected outcome 2.3: Reinsertion support provided to 5221 eligible men and women and they relocate to chosen locations. Expected outcome 2.4: Reintegration needs and priorities are identified and appropriate community based programmes developed and piloted by stakeholders/partners.
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