Förnybar energiinvestering, Brilho
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BRILHOs Market Development Fund (MDF) has managed to attain by December 2023 an accumulated result of 2,009,820 Mozambicans benefiting from access to offgrid energy solutions (electrification for 1,199,580 people from a target of 920,000 and cooking solutions for 810,240 people from a target of 975.000) through business initiatives supported by BRILHO in addition, a total of 28,624 micro and small businesses benefit with productive uses of the energy solutions and 2,359 FTE (Full Time Employment) jobs have been created. Furthermore, more than 500 000 tons of CO2 emissions have been avoided due this initiative and MSEK 435.5 has been mobilized from the private sector in investments. With support from the Brilho project, by December 2023 the following regulations of decree 93/2021 on access to offgrid energy had been approved: Concessions & Registrations - Tariffs Interconnections Technical Standards Customer Services & Commercial Relationships and in progress are the following regulations: Environmental impact Fiscal incentives The Demand Activation intervention which was initiated in September 2022 has already reached an accumulated audience of over one million Mozambicans. On the Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI), the programme has managed to take big steps on the development on the development of the GESI (Gender and Social Inclusion) Seal, the study on best practices and opportunities and the training for all relevant stakeholders under the MDF portfolio.
Mozambique is a low-income country in transition with a gross domestic product of USD 417 per capita and a population of approximately 30 million inhabitants. The country has ample renewable energy resources with solar potential at 23,000 GW, followed by hydro (19 GW), wind (5 GW), biomass (2 GW), and geothermal (0.1 GW). Currently only a third of the total population of Mozambique of nearly thirty million inhabitants have access to electricity. Furthermore, the provision of electricity services demonstrates disparities between urban and rural areas as 54% of urban population have access compared with only 6 percent of rural population. Similarly, the access to improved cooking energy solutions is far much lower at less than 5% also with a greater concentration in urban and peri urban areas. Poor people often have a higher cost of energy per KWh, as they must rely on batteries for powering of torch and radio, and on a day-today-purchase of kerosene. Access to reliable and affordable electricity is crucial for inclusive sustainable social and economic growth. The introduction of electricity, in combination with other development interventions such as roads, access to credits, vocational training etc., can facilitate job creation, education, health, and access to communication through enabling of cell phone charging and Internet services. Public lighting and better public infrastructure open possibilities for longer days of various economic activities and increased safety. Public access to safe water supply is other possible secondary effect of electrification. Electrification is expected to benefit women proportionally more than men from improved public services. The British Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) started Brilho programme with the objective to stimulate private sector delivery of quality and affordable off-grid energy products and services with the ultimate aim of improving the lives of the people living in rural and peri urban areas of Mozambique especially low income men, women, girls and boys. The Foundation of Netherlands Volunteers Stichting Nederlandse Vrijwilligers (SNV)" was procured to implement the programme through an open procurement process. The specific objectives of the Brilho are; to rapidly speed up delivery of high-quality energy services and products to rural and peri-urban energy especially the poor customers that is at least 0.975 million people with improved cooking conditions, 0.920 million people with improved access to off grid renewable energy through solar home systems and 17 000 businesses supplied with productive energy by the end of the project, leveraging private finance by mobilising up to MSEK 290 in off-grid energy investments, supporting the creation of policies and coordination platform for the off grid energy market, and contribute to climate change mitigation of more than 400,000 ton CO2eq per year and contribute to climate adaptation. The proposed intervention builds upon a long-term Swedish support to the energy sector of Mozambique, and it will complement projects aiming for extension of the national electricity grid mainly as to reach people in areas where the grid is not expected to reach in the medium to long term. The embassy assesses the proposed project to be contributing to results for the Swedish Development Cooperation. The project will contribute to the result area on Environment, Climate and Sustainable Natural Resource Management and specifically to increased access to renewable energy and increased energy efficiency. The project results are assessed to contribute both in the short and long term to increased access to renewable energy and increased energy efficiency. The project will also lead to increased entrepreneurship and investments directly in renewable energy but also indirectly through better provision and quality of electricity, an issue to be considered of a bottleneck and cost inflicting to industries and other sectors.
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