ESAMI/trapca and Lund University 2023-2026, phase V
På denna webbplats visas öppna data om det svenska biståndet, som visar när, till vem och för vilket ändamål svenskt biståndsmedel betalas ut, samt vad det har gett för resultat. Denna sida innehåller information om en av de insatser som finansieras med svenskt bistånd.
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Totalt 33 540 300 SEK fördelat på 0 aktiviteter
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The results achieved in 2023 include executing 33 academic programs in international trade policy and trade law, encompassing 26 advanced courses, 5 advanced prerequisite courses, and 2 trade and gender courses, all funded under the Sida banner. Amongst these, it is worth to highlight that Trapca, in collaboration with Lund University, conferred 53 Master of Science in International Trade Policy and Trade Law degrees and 37 Post Graduate Diplomas (PGDA) in International Trade Policy and Trade Law in 2023. A total of 895 participants from 37 African countries, including 27 primary target from the Least Developed Countries (LDCs), benefited from these programs. The absolute majority of the participants were from the public sector but there were representations from the private sector and civil society as well. Around 59% of graduates were from Anglophone cohorts and 41% from Francophone cohorts. Gender inclusivity remained a priority throughout the year, with a balanced distribution across the academic courses, comprising 48% female and 52% male participants.
The overall objective is: The trapca programme for sub-Saharan African countries is expected to contribute to enhanced regional integration and intra-African trade. The programme objective is: Improved capacity in LDCs and low-income countries in sub-Saharan Africa to develop more efficient trade policy, trade law, trade facilitation, emerging trade related strategies and implementation and enforcement of negotiated regional, continental and multilateral trade outcomes.
Svenskt bistånd i siffror och berättelser
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