International IDEA 2019-2024 Enhancing Women's Political Participation in Africa
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The annual report of the project is not yet submitted; hence, the following results are extracted from the results, July 2022 to June 2023 report: -The program paves way for organized efforts to address the needs and priorities to achieve gender equality through enhancing the role of women in politics and leadership. -Staff capacity challenges has been addressed through recruitment of key staff for the programme. The capacity challenges within partners, has been mitigated through a dedicated capacity specific activity. -Creation of conducive working mechanism to ensure the quality implementation and hence the attainment of the intended goal of the project. Hence most accomplishment in the period indicates the quality of project delivery than behavioral changes. Some of the accomplishment and results in the period includes: -Knowledge generation activities including a Gender Responsive Toolkit and Elections Charter done by WLSA to serve as test tool for the Zimbabwe elections in August 2023. A WPP attitudes Quiz by Gender Links was developed and will form part of the data for the 2023/24 WPP Barometer. The WPP Regional policy brief and key election messages ahead of the Zimbabwe elections were finalised. There was intense capacity building, inter-generational dialogues, seminars on barriers to WPP concerning violence against women, dialogues with male actors and piloting the model school module curriculum reaching a total of 2,285 [777 Male & 1,508 Female] delegates. The programme has contributed to the promotion of womens political participation through capacity strengthening activities such as academies. There were positive results in Botswana with regards to opportunities and political will to review electoral systems and laws that accommodate womens political participation. The programme has produced a pool of male champions who are systematically involved in mentoring women politicians through capacity building. Some of the women have been successful in elections, for example in Zimbabwe and Kenya. Alliances with the RECs enabled the WPP programme to present a common position during the 67th Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) conference. Establishment of an ad-hoc consortium communications team [2 Male and 4 Female], coordinated by the WPP Communications Officer, is other key milestones registered during this period On the other hand, womens political participation and leadership remains low across the continent due persistent formal and informal factors. For instance, violence against women politicians, especially in the lead up to elections continued to hinder womens participation in politics, as witnessed in Eswatini, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Zimbabwe. Hence, continuous support for women politicians before, during and after elections is necessary for longitudinal successes that also can be mirrored to emerging women politicians. Similarly, consortium partners raised the need to provide both technical and financial support to the WPP stakeholders to ensure that they are adequately resourced to run for elections. In general,in spite of the remaining challenges, WPP is in a better progress in terms of enhancing the overall capacity of the partners and enabling them to deliver quality project to the right target.
The overarching objective of the intervention is increasing the political participation and representation of women in Africa in line with the Maputo Protocol of 2003, various associated sub-regional protocols and standards, and the SDGs. Specifically the projects intends; 1. To contribute to an increase in the voice and presence of women in political processes and institutions in Africa. 2. To step up advocacy for and expand awareness towards increased demands for the inclusion of women at all levels of political participation and decision-making. 3. To build and strengthen enabling platforms that allow for women’s inclusion in all levels of political participation.
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